so cool! i'm traveling abroad this week & next and i sure hope i get a lighting bolt of an idea or few!! ;D (notebooks & pens packed; hands and eyes open for inspiration!!)

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Like others, I'm very much enjoying listening to the both of you chat about your novels. I can't wait to read both of them.

I would like a pegasus tail, please. Which I guess is just a horse's tail, but a little more magical. Plus I do like to braid, so that could be fun.

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Love hearing about how your ideas evolved! It's amazing how much they change as you work on them. I think I'd have to pick a snow leopard's tail. They're just so thick and strong, plus I could use the balance help. I'm such a klutz! lol

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So lovely to see your writing notebooks and thanks for the great podcast - so inspiring and insightful! Despite its impracticality on land, I have to say I'd want a mermaid tail, experiencing all the power and strength underwater would just be incredible

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I love this podcast - listening to it is like sitting in a corner of your living room with a cup of tea and slice of cake, listening to you chat about writing (and I could do that all day long!) I'd have a (European) fox tail, because they're so pretty and look so fluffy and snuggly (you can tell it's cold here today!)

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Love your podcast and can't wait to read both your new books! It's always lovely to catch a glimpse of writing notebooks.

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