A readalong?!! I love it! Also, hearing you guys talk about the struggle with sequels is so relatable. I have so many irons in the fire, and I've drafted I think, five books now, but none of them are direct sequels. It's like, when I try to write a sequel with a world and characters I already know, it's harder than just making something else up from scratch somehow. Not sure how that one works, but the mind was never meant to be entirely logical, I suppose.

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Ah, Jamie: exactly this. Who knows why?!

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First off, great ep! I have a feeling that the Phryne Fisher kiss is going to be between Sayer and Fen but I'd love it to be anyone else as well!

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Also Alinor was once Albion? That's a change! Can't wait for the may eps!!

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I shan't confirm or deny so you can enjoy the surprise :)

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My heart wants that kiss to be fenlin and sayer!!! Please let it be true!

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